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作者:研究生   时间:2019-06-08   点击数:[]











2007.09 - 2011.06  烟台大学机电汽车工程学院      工学学士

2012.09 - 2017.12  中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所    工学博士(硕博连读)


2018.03 - 至今    烟台大学机电汽车工程学院      副教授、教授



Advanced materials、Advanced science、Advanced functional materials、Acs applied materials & interface、 Lab on a chip、Advanced healthcare materials、Journal of nanobiotechnology等期刊审稿人




  • 1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2024YFB4707300,2025/01-2027/12,在研,主持

  • 2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2024MF0072025/01-2027/12在研,主持

  • 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62273289 2023/01-2026/12在研,主持

  • 4. 山东省高等学校青年创新团队支持计划,2022KJ274,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持

  • 5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61803323,2019/01-2021/12,结题,主持

  • 6. 山东省自然科学基金博士基金项目,ZR2019BF049,2019/07-2022/06,结题,主持

  • 7. 辽宁省自然科学基金重点科技创新基地联合开放基金,2021/07-2023/06,结题,主持


• 烟台大学首届科研新秀、省级创新创业导师

• 2020-2024年连续4年山东省研究生优秀成果奖

• 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖、中国科学院院长特别奖(Top 1‰)、中国科学院 BHPB 奖学金(Top 1‰)、博士研究生国家奖学金








1.Wang W, Gao Z, Feng X, et al. The customized design and fabrication of microchannels via optically induced dielectrophoresis for particle manipulation[J]. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2025, 8(3).

2.Teng X, Yu S, Qiao Z, et al. Dual-responsive Tumbleweed-inspired Soft Robot Based on Poly (N‑isopropylacrylamide) and MoS2 for Targeted Drug Delivery in Stomach[J]. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 22, 2025: 562-573.

3.Wang X, Gao Y, Liu C, et al. Cordless Miniature Robots from Centimeter to Nanometer Scale: Recent Progress and Future Challenges in Biomedicine Field[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2024, 2401223.

4.Feng X, Gao Z, Yu S, et al. Programmable Multiresponse Marangoni Actuator Enabled by a PINPAM/MWCNT Composite Material[J]. Langmuir, 41 (7),2025:4884-4893.

5.Zou B, Liu H, Fen X, et al. Design, optimization, and validation of a magnetic mother-child robot system for targeted drug delivery[J]. Materials & Design, 253, 2025: 113827.

6.Guo Q, Wei J, Yu S, et al. Soft robots with different movement capabilities based on photo-responsive multilayer poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,690,2025: 137351.


1.Ge Z, Dai S, Yu H, et al. Nanomechanical Analysis of Living Small Extracellular Vesicles to Identify Gastric Cancer Cell Malignancy Based on a Biomimetic Peritoneum[J].ACS Nano此链接已禁用。, 2024, 18(8),  6130–6146.

2. H Liu,Z Qiao,X Teng,H Yu,Z Yuan,and W Yang,A Powerful Dual-Responsive Hand Claw Structured by a Photothermal Double Layer Based on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2024, 6(6),  3150–3159

3. W. Yang, X. Wang, Z. Ge and H. Yu, "Magnetically Controlled Millipede Inspired Soft Robot for Releasing Drugs on Target Area in Stomach," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,2024, 9(4),  3846–3853.

4. Yang, W., Guo, Q., Teng, X., Qiao, Z., Yu, H."A ray-inspired flexible robot fish with stable controllability actuated by photo -responsive composite hydrogels with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes",Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2024, 373, 115437

5.Yang, W., Wang, X., Teng, X., Qiao, Z., Yu, H,"Programmable multi-stimulus-responsive whirligig beetle inspired soft robot with multifunctionality based on composite materials",Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects。, 2024, 693, 134093

6.Liu, H., Teng, X., Qiao, Z., ...Cai, S., Yang, W,"A concentric tube magnetic continuum robot with multiple stiffness levels and high flexibility for potential endovascular intervention",Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2024, 597, 172023

7.Teng, X., Qiao, Z., Yu, S., ...Ge, Z., Yang, W,"Recent Advances in Microrobots Powered by Multi-Physics Field for Biomedical and Environmental Applications",Micromachines, 2024, 15(4), 492

8. Yang, W., Wang, X., Teng, X., ...Yu, H., Yuan, Z."A bionic mimosa soft robot based on a multi-responsive PNIPAM-PEGDA hydrogel composition", Biomicrofluidics, 2024, 18(3), 034102

9. Yang W, Liu H, Guo Q, et al. Expansion of Self-assembled Structures of Heteroarray NdFeB Semicircular Arc Magnetic Minirobots[J]. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2024: 1-13.

10.Qiao Z, Teng X, Liu A, et al. Novel Isolating Approaches to Circulating Tumor Cell Enrichment Based on Microfluidics: A Review[J]. Micromachines, 2024, 15(6): 706.

11. Yang W G, Wang W H, Teng X Y, et al. Construction and manipulation of origami-inspired tubular structures with controlled mechanical buckling for collection and transportation of microspheres based on optically induced electrokinetics[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2024: 1-11.

12.Qiao Z, Teng X, Yu S, et al. A magnetically driven symmetrical leech-inspired soft robot for various applications[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2024: 172465.

13.Liu H, Teng X, Yu S, et al. Recent Advances in Photoacoustic Imaging: Current Status and Future Perspectives[J]. Micromachines, 2024, 15(8): 1007.

14.Yang W, Wang W, Teng X, et al. The electrodynamic analysis and manipulation of PEGDA semicircular tubular structures based on optically induced dielectrophoresis[J]. Physica Scripta, 2024,99 105121.

15.Liu H, Teng X, Qiao Z, Yang W, Zou B. Magnetically Driven Quadruped Soft Robot with Multimodal Motion for Targeted Drug Delivery. Biomimetics. 2024; 9(9):559.

16.Yang, W.; Wang, W.; Teng, X.; Qiao, Z.; Ge, Z.; Yuan, Z. Integrated Generation and Manipulation of Microcapsules via Optically Induced Dielectrophoresis. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2024, 6, 13886-13895


1.Yang W, Wang X, Wang Z, et al. Light-powered microrobots: Recent progress and future challenges[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2023, 161: 107380.

2. Shen, H., Cai, S., Wang, Z. et al. A Programmable Inchworm-Inspired Soft Robot Powered by a Rotating Magnetic Field. J Bionic Eng 20, 506–514 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-022-00296-9

3. Wei, Fanan, et al. "3D printable and stretchable PVA‐PAAm dual network hydrogel with conductivities for wearable sensors."Journal of Applied Polymer Sciencethis link is disabled, 2023, 140(7), e53468.

4. Xiaowen Wang; Wenhao Wang; Huibin Liu; Qinghao Guo; Haibo Yu; Zheng Yuan; Wenguang Yang. Bionic Sea Anemone Actuator with a Double-Layered Gripper Driven by Multiple Physical Fields[J]. ACS Applied Polymer Materialsring, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.3c00886.

5. Yang W, Wang X, Wang Z, et al. A multi-stimulus-responsive bionic fish microrobot for remote intelligent control applications[J]. Soft Matter, 2023,19, 913-920

6. Yang, W., Wang, Z., Wang, X., Yu, T., Xie, S., & Ge, Z. (2023). 3D printing of bioinspired hydrogel microstructures with programmable and complex shape deformations based on a digital micro-mirror device. Optics & Laser Technology, 157, 108759.

7.Yang W, Wang Z, Wang X, et al. Bio-inspired propeller robot with controllable pitch driven by magnetic and optical coupling field[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2023: 133509.(中科院1区)

8.Shen H, Cai S, Wang Z, et al. Magnetically Driven Microrobots: Recent Progress and Future Development[J]. Materials & Design, 2023: 111735.(中科院1区)

9. Wang, X., Yuan, Z., Guo, Q., Wang, W., Liu, H., Liu, A., Ge, Z., Yu, H., Yang, W., An Underwater Bionic Snake Soft Robot with Tunable Deformation and Motion Based on Composite Materials. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 8(12), 2202012

10.Wang, W.,He, Y.,Liu, H.,et al. Bubble-based microrobot:recent progress and future perspective.Sensors and Actuators A: Physicalthis link is disabled, 2023, 360, 114567

11. Yuan Z, Guo Q, Jin D, Zhang P, Yang W. Biohybrid Soft Robots Powered by Myocyte: Current Progress and Future Perspectives. Micromachines. 2023; 14(8):1643.

12.Wang, X.; Gao, Y.; Ma, X.; Li, W.; Yang, W. A Bionic Venus Flytrap Soft Microrobot Driven by Multiphysics for Intelligent Transportation. Biomimetics 2023, 8, 429.

13.Guo Q, Yang W, Liu H, et al. An aquatic biomimetic butterfly soft robot driven by deformable photo-responsive hydrogel[J]. Soft Matter, 2023. DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01027A

14. Liu, H., Guo, Q., Wang, W., Yu, T., Yuan, Z., Ge, Z. & Yang, W. (2023). A review of magnetically driven swimming microrobots: Material selection, structure design, control method, and applications. REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE, 62(1), 20230119. https://doi.org/10.1515/rams-2023-0119


1.Qin, Y., Yang, W., Chu, H., Li, Y., Cai, S., Yu, H., & Liu, L. (2022). Atomic Force Microscopy for Tumor Research at Cell and Molecule Levels. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1-18.

2.Wang, Xiaowen, et al. "Engineering biological tissues from the bottom-up: Recent advances and future prospects." Micromachines 13.1 (2021): 75.

3.Wang, Z., Shi, D., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Yuan, Z., Li, Y., ... & Yang, W. (2022). A Multifunctional Light-Driven Swimming Soft Robot for Various Application Scenarios. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(17), 9609.

4.Yang, W.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z. Engineered liver tissue in vitro to mimic liver functions and its biomedical applications, Materials Advances. 2022, 3, 4132-4154.

6.Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Yu, C.; Ge, Z.; Yang, W. Advances in precise single-cell capture for analysis and biological applications, Analytical Methods. 2022, 14, 3047-3063.

7.Yang, W., Qin, Y., Wang, Z., Yu, T., & Ge, Z. (2022). Recent Advances in the Development of Flexible Sensors: Mechanisms, Materials, Performance Optimization, and Applications. Journal of Electronic Materials, 1-35.

8.Cai, S., Ma, Z., Ge, Z., & Yang, W. (2022). Recent advances in optically induced di-electrophoresis and its biomedical applications. Biomedical Microdevices, 24(2), 1-25.

9.Li, Y., Cai, S., Shen, H., Chen, Y., Ge, Z., & Yang, W. (2022). Recent advances in acoustic microfluidics and its exemplary applications. Biomicrofluidics, 16(3), 031502.

10.Wu, H., Dang, D., Yang, X., Wang, J., Qi, R., Yang, W., & Liang, W. (2022). Accurate and Automatic Extraction of Cell Self-Rotation Speed in an ODEP Field Using an Area Change Algorithm. Micromachines, 13(6), 818.

11.Yang, W., Wang, Z., Yu, T., Chen, Y., & Ge, Z. (2021). Recent advance in cell patterning techniques: Approaches, applications and future prospects. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 113229.

12.Li, Z., Zhang, B., Dang, D., Yang, X., Yang, W., & Liang, W. (2022). A review of microfluidic-based mixing methods. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 113757.

13.Yang, J., Li, G., Zu, L., Wang, W., Ge, Z., Yang, W., ... & Liu, L. (2022). Optogenetically engineered cell-based graphene transistor for pharmacodynamic evaluation of anticancer drugs. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 358, 131494.

14.Ge, Z., Dai, L., Zhao, J., Yu, H., Yang, W., Liao, X., ... & Liu, L. (2022). Bubble-based microrobots enable digital assembly of heterogeneous microtissue modules. Biofabrication, 14(2), 025023.

15.Ge, Z.; Yu, H.; Yang, W., et al. Customized construction of microscale multi-component biostructures for cellular applications, Biomaterials Advances. 2022, 133, 112599.


[1] Li P,Yang WG,Yu HB,et al. Advances in Dielectric Microspherical Lens Nanoscopy: Label-Free Superresolution Imaging[J]. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine,2021:1-15.
[2] Shen, Honglin,Cai SX,Yang WG*,et al. Recent Advances in Three-Dimensional Multicellular Spheroid Culture and Future Development[J]. MICROMACHINES,2021,12(1):1-21.

[3] 孙路静,杨文广*,褚洪汇,基于光诱导介电泳技术的粒子分离研究,烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版),2021, v.34;No.125(02) 199-203

[4] Shuxiang Cai, Yalin Sun, Honghui Chu, Wenguang Yang*, Haibo Yu and Lianqing Liu, Microlenses arrays: fabrication, materials and applications[J], Microscopy Research and Technique (2021)

[5]Wenguang Yang*, Honghui Chu, Shuxiang Cai, Wenfeng Liang, Haibo Yu*, Yuechao Wang and Lianqing Liu*, Micropatterned cell-repellent interface using femtosecond laser direct writing to engineer controlled cell organization [J], Advanced Materials Technologies (2021  封面论文)


[1] Yang WG*,Sun LJ,Cai SX,et al. Dynamically directing cell organization via micro-hump structure patterned cell-adhered interfaces[J]. LAB ON A CHIP,2020,20(14):2447-2452.(IF:6.774 中科院一区TOP期刊 封面论文)

[2] Yang WG*, Cai S, Chen Y, et al. Modular and Customized Fabrication of 3D Functional Microgels for Bottom‐Up Tissue Engineering and Drug Screening[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020, 5(5): 1900847 (IF:5.969 中科院二区 封面论文)

[3] Ge ZX,Zhao JH,Yang WG, Yu HB,et al. Biomimetic construction of peritoneum to imitate peritoneal metastasis using digital micromirror device-based optical projection lithography[J]. LAB ON A CHIP,2020,20(17):3109-3119.IF:6.774 中科院一区TOP期刊 封面论文)

[4] Zhang TY,Li P,Yang WG,et al. Fabrication of flexible microlens arrays for parallel super-resolution imaging[J]. Applied Surface Science,2020,504:1-10. ( IF: 6.182 中科院一区 TOP期刊  )

[5] Liang WF.,Yang XL.,Wang, Junhai., Yang WG.,Zhang, Hemin&Liu LQ. Label-free characterization of different kinds of cells using optoelectrokinetic-based microfluidics.OPTICS LETTERS, 2020,45(8),2454-2457.

[6] Liang W, Liu L, Yang WG, et al. A Review on Optoelectrokinetics-Based Manipulation and Fabrication of Micro/Nanomaterials[J]. Micromachines, 2020, 11(1).

[7] Zhan Z, Wei F, Yang WG, et al. Visible light driven recyclable micromotors for “on-the-fly” water remediation[J]. Materials Letters, 2020..Materials Letters, 2020,258,1-5.

[8] Liang WF,Yang XL,Wang, Junhai,Wang YC,Yang WG,&Liu LQ.Determination of dielectric properties of cells using ac electrokinetic-based microfluidic platform: A review of recent advances.Micromachines, 2020,11(5),1-24.

[9] Liang WF.,Liu, Jing.,Yang XL.,Zhang,Yang WG.&Liu LQ. Microfluidic-based cancer cell separation using active and passive mechanisms.MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS, 2020,24(4),1-19.

[10] Li M,Lan, Fei,Yang WG,et al. Influence of MoS2-metal interface on charge injection: a comparison between various metal contacts[J]. NANOTECHNOLOGY,2020,31(39):1-13.

[11] Sun LJ,Yang WG*,Cai, Shuxiang,et al. Recent advances in microfluidic technologies for separation of biological cells[J]. Biomedical Microdevices,2020,22(3):1-16.

[12] Chu HH,Yang WG*,Sun LJ,et al. 4D printing: A review on recent progresses[J]. Micromachines,2020,11(9):1-30.

[13]Sun LJ,Yang WG*,,Chu HH,et al. Dynamic fabrication of microfluidic systems for particles separation based on optical projection lithography[J]. Biomedical Microdevices,2020,22(4):1-7.

[14]Cai, Shuxiang,Wu, Chuanxiang,Yang WG*,,et al. Recent advance in surface modification for regulating cell adhesion and behaviors[J]. Nanotechnology Reviews,2020,9(1):971-989. (ESI 高被引论文)

[15]Zhang TY,Yu HB,Yang WG,et al. Microsphere-Based Super-Resolution Imaging for Visualized Nanomanipulation[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020,12(42):48093-48100.(IF:8.758 中科院一区 TOP期刊)

[16] Liang WF,Shi, Haohao,Yang WG,et al. Recent advances in AFM-based biological characterization and applications at multiple levels[J]. SOFT MATTER,2020,16(39):8962-8984.


[1] Yang W*, Cai S, Yuan Z, et al. Mask-free generation of multicellular 3D heterospheroids array for high-throughput combinatorial anti-cancer drug screening[J]. Materials & Design, 2019, 183: 108182 (IF:6.289 中科院一区 TOP期刊  )

[2] Wenguang Yang, Haibo Yu, Gongxin Li, Fanan Wei, Yuechao Wang and Lianqing Liu, “ Mask-free fabrication of a versatile microwell chip for multidimensional cellular analysis and drug screening”, Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17(24): 4243-4252. (IF:5.995 中科院一区TOP期刊 封面论文)

[3] Wenguang Yang, Haibo Yu, Gongxin Li, Yuechao Wang and Lianqing Liu. “High-throughput fabrication and modular assembly of 3D heterogeneous microscale tissues,” Small,2017,13(5). (IF:9.598 中科院一区TOP期刊 封面论文)

[4] Wenguang Yang, Haibo Yu, Gongxin Li, Bo Wang, Yuechao Wang and Lianqing Liu. “Regulation of breast cancer cell behaviours by physical microenvironment constructed via projection microstereolithography,” Biomaterials science, 2016, 4(5): 863-870.


[1] Wenguang Yang, Haibo Yu, Yuechao Wang, Lianqing Liu. Hydrogel Printing Based on UV-Induced Projection for Cell-Based Microarray Fabrication[M]//Cell-Based Microarrays. Humana Press, New York, NY, 2018: 97-105


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